Sagebrush Grille +
Sagebrush Grille -
Sagebrush Grille offers inspired food and catering, based in Jackson, Wyoming. They use fresh, local, seasonal ingredients and bring the heart of the West with them wherever they roam.
With a playful, illustrative style, the Sagebrush logo stays true to its home of Jackson, Wyoming; the bird – a Western Meadowlark – represents not only the state bird of Wyoming, but speaks to the nomadic capabilities of a food truck. The illustrated pattern creates a distinct character and adds an element of storytelling to the truck’s identity.
Sagebrush Grille offers inspired food and catering, based in Jackson, Wyoming. They use fresh, local, seasonal ingredients and bring the heart of the West with them wherever they roam.
With a playful, illustrative style, the Sagebrush logo stays true to its home of Jackson, Wyoming; the bird – a Western Meadowlark – represents not only the state bird of Wyoming, but speaks to the nomadic capabilities of a food truck. The illustrated pattern creates a distinct character and adds an element of storytelling to the truck’s identity.